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4月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

TXT come back

TXT❣️comeback congratulations💮 200428 updated  🇫🇷 📅 TXT publiant leur deuxième mini album le 18 mai 📯 💿️The Dream Chapter: ETERNITY 🇫🇷 TXT Ils tiennent un fan signing events → Les résidents du JAPON ne sont pas admissibles. =JAPAN resident are not eligible. Why not? probably...I'm not sure😢 투모로우바이투게더 TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER TXT  TheDreamChapter ETERNITY I miss him TAEHYUN🥰

BTS world tour has been reschedule

200428 #BTS world tour has been reschedule World tour reschedule😭 JAPAN and Europe  🥺🥺 Oh my god😱😨😭😱😨 World tour would be changed due to the global spread of COVID-19 in JAPAN and Europe😷😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱  so so soooooooo sad I'm crying🥺😢😱😨🥺🥺 😷 Je suis vraiment triste.😢 du Japon. On n’y peut rien?😷🙏 →🔗https://t.co/tLdwzcbPjL

TXT publiant leur deuxième mini album le 18 mai

200428✨🆕✨📅 #TXT publiant leur deuxième mini album le 18 mai 📯 💿️The Dream Chapter: ETERNITY #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER @TXT_members https://t.co/O6JbOmfpey TXT releasing their second mini album on 18 May📯 楽しみにしてます✨

BangBangCon, D2

Bonjour à tous, 🏠 Restez à la maison BANGBANGCON Stream de ce week-end Hi, Now I go out another room! It like 12 hours,, TWT→ for BTS Yesterday It having 11 hours! Enjoy! ⌚ : 12:00- (JST) Samedi 18 avril: et Dimanche 19 avril: Gratuit 📺 :  https://youtube.com/user/BANGTANTV 📅 : Voici un calendrier avec les horaires approximatives.  Les temps de pause entre les concerts sont compris. # BTSFranceCalendrier   # BTS_concert_à_la_maison   # RestonsÀLaMaisonAvecBANGBANGCON #BangBangCon #B ANGBANGCON

BangBangCon, BTS

Bonjour à tous, 🏠 Restez à la maison BANGBANGCON Stream de ce week-end ⌚ : 12:00- (JST) Samedi 18 avril: et Dimanche 19 avril: Gratuit 📺 :  https://youtube.com/user/BANGTANTV 📅 : Voici un calendrier avec les horaires approximatives.  Les temps de pause entre les concerts sont compris. おはようございます。 4/18と4/19 12:00- you tubeにてBTSのこれまでのコンサートlivestreams放送があります。 無料 2時間, よろしければ、、 おおよその時間を記載したカレンダーです。 コンサート間の休憩時間が含まれています。 # BTSFranceCalendrier   # BTS_concert_à_la_maison   # RestonsÀLaMaisonAvecBANGBANGCON #BangBangCon


日本語は下にあります  Le français est en bas In English Hi, the other day, KCON JAPAN 2020 had done pay back my acccount. I got a passport during 3 days of KCON and a ticket of TXT/ meet and greeting. I felt very sad. and  I am waiting that seventeen tour in Japan announce of payment back also. Thank you. Good night.   ------------------- Bonsoir à tous Bonjour, l'autre jour, KCON JAPAN 2020 avait remboursé mon compte. J'ai obtenu un passeport pendant 3 jours de KCON et un ticket de TXT / rencontre et salutation. J'étais très triste. et J'attends que SEVENTEEN au Japon annoncent également le remboursement. Je vous remercie. Bonne nuit. ----------------- こんにちは 先日KCONJAPANの返金がすべて終了しました。 TXTミグリの払い戻しも別途終わりました、、、 あとは、セブチのチケット払い戻しだけです。 悲しいですね。。。 😷 For Japan side shopping 秘書のお勧め 楽天ROOM Art Blog pipi-artのブログ https://ameblo.jp/pipi-a-la-carte/

on line Lesson, Leçon en ligne, 語学のオンラインレッスンを受講しました

日本語は下にあります  Le français est en bas In English Hi, Recently we are afraid of Corona virus spread. So now I am absent my English school. Yesterday I attended on line English lesson by Zoom. As a first attempt,  My English school introduced a new system for online lesson. When I joined that on line lesson, my classmates seemed enjoyable So that we feel isolate for that pandemic. We have known each other for many years but keep distance, that is so comfortable distance.  I realized merits that online lesson is so comfortable, I felt relax time without a mask, but care of myself, lips, eyeshadow, etc. The no merit is I should tidy room, especially my back wall…. Anyway the ZOOM has possible change some walls in that system. Oh Oh. ZOOM couldn’t recommend of security points.   Anyway I booked another online lesson next week, it is France lesson by skype. Thank you. Good night.   ------------------- Bonsoir à tous Récemment, nous avons p...

Seventeen tour seems canceled and Handshake event will postpone.

You tube →  Seventeen salut ♫ la visite sera annulée  et   L'événement de prise de contact sera reporté au Japon 昨日セブチの日本ツアーが中止になりました。 コロナの状況で予想しておりました、、 でも延期でなく中止か。 意外なことに 握手会は延期とのこと! 握手会が当選したので 大事にキープ! 握手会に備えて韓国語を勉強しようと思いましたが 英語対応可能なメンバーが当選しました 握手会楽しみです💛 Hi, ♬ Yesterday,  Seventeen announced tour will be canceled  and  Handshake event will postpone in Japan Oh Oh I have expected that,,, then I am happy to hear that the handshake event will just postpone! wow so today, I got a thicket that at the shop. I should keep it for while At first I should try to study in Korean for  the events But I realized   that I will meet him who is Korean with fluently in English Okay! 😷 For Japan side shopping 秘書のお勧め 楽天ROOM Art Blog pipi-artのブログ https://ameblo.jp/pipi-a-la-carte/

the handshake event will be postpone..seventeen KPOP?

I won the handshake event. J'ai gagné l'épreuve de poignée de main. 😷 JAPAN government announcement seems  requested self-restraint from 1month to 6 month???  around capital area and Osaka. It means probably all events in these area will postpone❔ セブンティーン握手会当選しました が、 コロナ😷ウィルス自粛でおそらく延期ですよね さすがに。。。。 For Japan side shopping 秘書のお勧め 楽天ROOM Art Blog pipi-artのブログ https://ameblo.jp/pipi-a-la-carte/

I got some TXT magazines

I got some TXT magazines. so cute 💘 🏡 Restez à la maison sweetなイケメンをみながら ゆっくり☕️ 自宅待機 📅 #STAYHOME #家で過ごそう

I got a dress

I got a dress😍 want to wear it in the future📅 KPOP❣️tour🎟️ On March, Japan government announces  Immigration restrictions from China and Korea for 2weeks. Ohhhhh Kcon open,,,,, from,,,,April 3  I believe,,,, all things will be recover...I am going to go KPOP live..